GMV is a comparative genome browser for Murasaki. GMV visualizes
anchors from Murasaki, annotation data from
[[GenBank>]] files, and expression
/ prediction score from
[[GFF>]] files.

GMV works on any platform which has GTK+-2.10 or later. Currently, MacOS X, FreeBSD and Linux are supported. Also, experimental build for Microsoft Windows is available.

* News [#ed2e3e72]

- Jul.09, 2008
-- GMV is now capable to show "Rifts", detected by Murasaki 1.33 and later.
-- MacOS X binary update: Please update your GTK+ installation!

Note that version number is in exponential form, and it's still far from its first production release (1.0)!

* Download GMV [#yd8d28c0]

** License [#w44dab12]

GMV is provided under Beerware License. However, binary package for MacOS X is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), since MacOS X package ( is based on Platypus. Sample data contains genome sequences from NCBI.

** Download GMV [#kc225207]

Binary downloads are available for MacOS X (10.4 / 10.5) and Windows (2000 and later). Source tarball is available for other platforms.

*** Microbial builds [#ybe5ee2f]

Lower RAM requirement, but length of each sequence is limited up to 2Gbp. Suitable for most microbial genome analysis.

|~Platform|~Stable Release|~Latest Snapshot|h
|~MacOS X | &getfile("../gmv/"); | &getfile("../gmv/"); |
|~Windows | &getfile("../gmv/gmv-m.exe"); | &getfile("../gmv/gmv-snap-m.exe"); |

*** Source & Normal builds [#v6af6257]

|~Platform|~Stable Release|~Latest Snapshot|h
|~MacOS X | &getfile("../gmv/");    | &getfile("../gmv/"); |
|~Windows | &getfile("../gmv/gmv.exe");    | &getfile("../gmv/gmv-snap.exe"); |
|~Source  | &getfile("../gmv/gmv.tar.gz"); | &getfile("../gmv/gmv-snap.tar.gz"); |

*** Supplementals [#y200845d]

- GTK+ package for MacOS X &getfile("../gmv/");
- Sample data set: &getfile(../gmv/,inline);
- More samples are available in [[GMV Samples]]

** Requirements [#v8352bbc]

- MacOS X (10.4 or later)
-- Requirement: & Latest [[GTK+>]]
-- For MacOS X 10.4 users, is available in MacOS X installation DVD. For MacOS X 10.5 users, available pre-installed (but I recommend to install XQuartz to update!).
-- Packaged GTK+ is available from the table above. or if you have [[MacPorts>]], you can install GTK+ by yourself.
- Microsoft Windows (Windows2000, XP and maybe Vista)
-- ''Windows binary may be unstable, sorry...''
-- Requirement: GTK+-2.12.3 package from [[GTK+ for Windows Runtime>]] project.
--- Download [[GTK+ 2.12.3 package from sourceforge>]]
--- Uninstall any other GTK+ runtime, if you have installed before.

** Build Instruction [#uf709230]

First, make sure you have:
- GNU g++ 4.0 (other C++ compilers may work, but I'm not sure)
- GTK+ 2.10 or later, which can be detected by: pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0
- GNU make (BSD make can't build GMV)
Then unpack gmv.tar.gz and edit Gmv.conf.

 $ tar xzf gmv.tar.gz
 $ cd gmv
 $ vi Gmv.conf
Important lines are:
 CC = ccache g++-4.0

Set CC to your C++ compiler (if you're trying to build on MinGW, set CC_WINDOWS instead.) Also, you may have to uncomment CFLAGS += -DUSE_GLIB_REGEX, if your system doesn't have regex.h (I believe most Unix based system have this, but at least, MinGW doesn't.)

Then, just type

 $ make
and you'll get the binary "gmv" in current directory. Move it anywhere you like (maybe somewhere in your PATH) and launch gmv.

To get stripped (and Universal one on MacOS X) binary, type

 $ make RELEASE=yes
Stripped binary will be much smaller (and maybe faster) than normal build.