
*NEWS [#tbe7fad6]

- Public release of Murasaki 1.32a (Jun 2, 2008): see [[changelog>http://murasaki.dna.bio.keio.ac.jp/murasaki/changelog]]
- Public release of Murasaki 1.33 (Jun 27, 2008): see [[changelog>http://murasaki.dna.bio.keio.ac.jp/murasaki/changelog]]
- GMV 1e-98 (Jun.04, 2008): a bug fix release.

* Quick Download [#he0cc2da]

If you're new to Murasaki, please check the installation procedures in [[Murasaki]] & [[GMV]] pages!

|~[[Murasaki]] |~[[GMV]] (Mac) |~[[GMV]] (Windows)|
| &getfile(../murasaki/LATEST.tgz); | &getfile(../gmv/gmv.zip); | &getfile(../gmv/gmv.exe); |

* Recent Wiki updates [#mec407f6]


* Acknowledgements [#ye96d2df]

The Murasaki logo is built out of fonts by the immortal [[Tom Murphy>http://fonts.tom7.com/]].