* I get an error like "Encountered exception: Murasaki: E...
The default linux kernel only permits a total of 32mb of ...
* What's the -p (--pattern) argument? [#t3db91c0]
The -p parameter specifies the
pattern used when creating seeds. While there's a number ...
Murasaki, the journal paper is still in preparation, so i...
to explain, but spaced seeds are a common feature now in ...
programs, and if you want some more information on them, ...
check out the [[PatternHunter paper>http://www.bioinforma...
''pattern'' is sequence which represents which bases in a...
and which can be mismatched. For example, for the pattern...
matches "AAA" but not "AAT". The -p argument can take a s...
like -p101, but in general we find that random patterns a...
acceptable, so we specify "random patterns" to Murasaki i...
more 1s in it, the more specific but less sensitive it be...
* I'm comparing some complex genomes and it gets to "Extr...
Without knowledge about the input sequences or the other ...
An alternate hypothesis is that your pattern is too short...
* I get an error like "Encountered exception: Murasaki: E...
The default linux kernel only permits a total of 32mb of ...
* What's the -p (--pattern) argument? [#t3db91c0]
The -p parameter specifies the
pattern used when creating seeds. While there's a number ...
Murasaki, the journal paper is still in preparation, so i...
to explain, but spaced seeds are a common feature now in ...
programs, and if you want some more information on them, ...
check out the [[PatternHunter paper>http://www.bioinforma...
''pattern'' is sequence which represents which bases in a...
and which can be mismatched. For example, for the pattern...
matches "AAA" but not "AAT". The -p argument can take a s...
like -p101, but in general we find that random patterns a...
acceptable, so we specify "random patterns" to Murasaki i...
more 1s in it, the more specific but less sensitive it be...
* I'm comparing some complex genomes and it gets to "Extr...
Without knowledge about the input sequences or the other ...
An alternate hypothesis is that your pattern is too short...