GMV is a comparative genome browser for Murasaki. GMV vis...
anchors from Murasaki, annotation data from
[[GenBank>]] files, a...
/ prediction score from
[[GFF>]] fil...
GMV works on any platform which has GTK+-2.x. Currently, ...
* News [#b1a27a1c]
- Jun.28, 2012
-- New GMV release (1e-93).
-- Fix to follow recent GLib thread implementation.
-- Improved HTTP support (in DAS client feature)
- Oct.03, 2009
-- New GMV release (1e-94) has been released.
-- [[tmurasakix:
- Mar.03, 2009
-- New GMV release (1e-95) has been released.
-- For MacOS X users, new GTK+ package is required. X11.a...
- Feb.24, 2009
-- New GMV snapshot is finally available!!
-- For MacOS X users, new GTK+ package is required. This ...
- Aug.30, 2008
-- New GMV snapshot available.
-- MacOS X binary update: Please update your GTK+ install...
- Jul.09, 2008
-- GMV is now capable to show "Rifts", detected by Murasa...
* Download GMV [#p69447ed]
** License [#ocbe5010]
GMV is provided under Beerware License. However, binary p...
** Download GMV [#o6897193]
Binary downloads are available for MacOS X and Windows. S...
*** Source tarball [#d10d0bb6]
|~ |~Stable Release|~Latest Snapshot|h
|~Source | &getfile("../gmv/gmv.tar.gz"); | &getfile(".....
*** MacOS X package [#y60a0266]
Runs on MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard) and later.
|~Build |~Stable Release|~Latest Snapshot|h
|~Microbial | &getfile("../gmv/"); | &getfile("....
|~Largeseq | &getfile("../gmv/"); | &getfile("../g...
- GTK+-X11 package for MacOS X &getfile("../gmv/gtk+-2.2...
-- You may need to install [[XQuartz>http://xquartz.macos...
- Largeseq build supports 2Gbp+ sequences such as Human g...
*** Windows package [#o0d4035f]
Runs on Windows 2000, XP and Vista (and maybe on Windows ...
|~Build |~Stable Release|~Latest Snapshot|h
|~Microbial | &getfile("../gmv/"); | &getfil...
|~Largeseq | &getfile("../gmv/"); | &getfil...
- Extract ZIP file and run "gmv.exe" in "bin" folder.
- Largeseq build supports 2Gbp+ sequences such as Human g...
*** Supplementals [#d5dcbde3]
- Sample data set: &getfile(../gmv/,inline);
-- More samples are available in [[GMV Samples]]
* Build GMV [#k55c88d1]
** Requirements [#c2e21ad4]
- Supported Platforms
-- MacOS X
-- FreeBSD
-- Linux (maybe...) with sufficient version of GTK+.
-- Win32 with Cygwin or MinGW/MSYS (and any cross compili...
- Dependencies:
-- GNU g++ 4.0 (other C++ compilers may work, but I'm not...
-- Latest GTK+ 2.x, which can be detected by: pkg-config ...
--- Recent GTK+-Quartz (MacOS X native) may be broken
-- GNU make (BSD make can't build GMV)
** Build it! [#e059b84d]
Then unpack gmv.tar.gz and edit Gmv.conf.
$ tar xzf gmv.tar.gz
$ cd gmv
$ vi Gmv.conf
Important lines are:
CC = ccache g++-4.0
Set CC to your C++ compiler (if you're trying to build on...
Then, just type
$ make
and you'll get the binary "gmv" in current directory. Mov...
To get stripped (and Universal one on MacOS X) binary, type
$ make RELEASE=yes
Stripped binary will be much smaller (and maybe faster) t...
GMV is a comparative genome browser for Murasaki. GMV vis...
anchors from Murasaki, annotation data from
[[GenBank>]] files, a...
/ prediction score from
[[GFF>]] fil...
GMV works on any platform which has GTK+-2.x. Currently, ...
* News [#b1a27a1c]
- Jun.28, 2012
-- New GMV release (1e-93).
-- Fix to follow recent GLib thread implementation.
-- Improved HTTP support (in DAS client feature)
- Oct.03, 2009
-- New GMV release (1e-94) has been released.
-- [[tmurasakix:
- Mar.03, 2009
-- New GMV release (1e-95) has been released.
-- For MacOS X users, new GTK+ package is required. X11.a...
- Feb.24, 2009
-- New GMV snapshot is finally available!!
-- For MacOS X users, new GTK+ package is required. This ...
- Aug.30, 2008
-- New GMV snapshot available.
-- MacOS X binary update: Please update your GTK+ install...
- Jul.09, 2008
-- GMV is now capable to show "Rifts", detected by Murasa...
* Download GMV [#p69447ed]
** License [#ocbe5010]
GMV is provided under Beerware License. However, binary p...
** Download GMV [#o6897193]
Binary downloads are available for MacOS X and Windows. S...
*** Source tarball [#d10d0bb6]
|~ |~Stable Release|~Latest Snapshot|h
|~Source | &getfile("../gmv/gmv.tar.gz"); | &getfile(".....
*** MacOS X package [#y60a0266]
Runs on MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard) and later.
|~Build |~Stable Release|~Latest Snapshot|h
|~Microbial | &getfile("../gmv/"); | &getfile("....
|~Largeseq | &getfile("../gmv/"); | &getfile("../g...
- GTK+-X11 package for MacOS X &getfile("../gmv/gtk+-2.2...
-- You may need to install [[XQuartz>http://xquartz.macos...
- Largeseq build supports 2Gbp+ sequences such as Human g...
*** Windows package [#o0d4035f]
Runs on Windows 2000, XP and Vista (and maybe on Windows ...
|~Build |~Stable Release|~Latest Snapshot|h
|~Microbial | &getfile("../gmv/"); | &getfil...
|~Largeseq | &getfile("../gmv/"); | &getfil...
- Extract ZIP file and run "gmv.exe" in "bin" folder.
- Largeseq build supports 2Gbp+ sequences such as Human g...
*** Supplementals [#d5dcbde3]
- Sample data set: &getfile(../gmv/,inline);
-- More samples are available in [[GMV Samples]]
* Build GMV [#k55c88d1]
** Requirements [#c2e21ad4]
- Supported Platforms
-- MacOS X
-- FreeBSD
-- Linux (maybe...) with sufficient version of GTK+.
-- Win32 with Cygwin or MinGW/MSYS (and any cross compili...
- Dependencies:
-- GNU g++ 4.0 (other C++ compilers may work, but I'm not...
-- Latest GTK+ 2.x, which can be detected by: pkg-config ...
--- Recent GTK+-Quartz (MacOS X native) may be broken
-- GNU make (BSD make can't build GMV)
** Build it! [#e059b84d]
Then unpack gmv.tar.gz and edit Gmv.conf.
$ tar xzf gmv.tar.gz
$ cd gmv
$ vi Gmv.conf
Important lines are:
CC = ccache g++-4.0
Set CC to your C++ compiler (if you're trying to build on...
Then, just type
$ make
and you'll get the binary "gmv" in current directory. Mov...
To get stripped (and Universal one on MacOS X) binary, type
$ make RELEASE=yes
Stripped binary will be much smaller (and maybe faster) t...